Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blogging again?

This is a brand new blog actually. I though I should start a new blog, chapter n may be life?

When I first blogging about DD or TTWD, I received lots of judgements from those who claims she so call expert n senior in DD. I like to play with graphic n pictures, n one of the reader told me that I'm not fit in this life style because I'm more to BDSM. Hello! You cannot just judging people like that ok. Just because I put the photo of kneeling woman and writing 'submission' entry, you're labeling me BDSM? I was new in TTWD and still learning and Google-ing . I still remember my first reference was LDD book . ( Loving Domestic Discipline by Mr LDD). The LDD blog had shut down n those who wonder what is LDD, I still have the soft copt of that book. You know where to find me :))

What I'm trying to say, we cannot simply judging people from her/his writing. I don't think we able to write n explain in details everything in our entry. Do ask if you want to know more but don't simply judging and making assumption. Example, some people though spanking using hanger is cruel, some think caning is very harsh n others would think daily maintainence is too much . I think it depends on us, how we handle and take it. During my early DD days, my husband spank me twice, early in the morning n after he back from work for maintenance . ( that's not includes punishment, pr- emptive n disobedient spanking, ok ) It gets tiring because I kept repeat the same mistakes and he getting frustrating because he thought I just want spanking and purposely cross the line to get spank. Then we stop daily maintenance , we used reminder which can take anytime when he think I need and I can nicely asked him if I need it. So that's what we do now.

"Darling, can I ask something? "

"Now what?

"Err.. I need some reminder to keep back in track , "Gulp... can't believe I'm actually asking this.

"I'm glad you asking it, instead of provoking and brat -ing to me, "

20 strokes with canes, and I shall be good for a week.. hope so :))

So what do you think?20 strokes is just nothing to me, as I had an iron butt like my husband said. It just to remind whose the boss in the house and my duty as a wife n mother. That''s it. And I usually submit it well. It works well with me, so far.

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